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"Unlikely Hero's : Part 1" 8/16/23

Updated: Sep 17, 2023

Dear Church,

The Scriptures are chock-full of examples; examples to follow and examples of what not to do. These examples are there "for our instruction" - 1 Corinthians 10:11.

This is true not only of examples intended as a warning, but also those that are intended to encourage. On the one hand you have Paul saying "don't be like the Israelities grumbling in the wilderness" (1 Corinthians 10:1-11) and on the other hand you have James giving Elijah as an example of effective prayer from "a man with a nature like ours" (James 5:16-18).

While not inspired, the examples of Christians throughout history continue to teach us lessons and we continue to need these lessons because we have a tendency to forget things (or foolishly think we don't have anything to learn from the past). Thus, this series on unlikely heroes: Christians whose stories you may never have heard before. These are stories of the faithful throughout history, those who have trusted in Christ and served him in the time and the place he put them. As you read these examples, remember that we need Christ who is far more than a good example. He is the only one who can strengthen and renew us so that we can learn from the lessons of those who have gone before us and follow Christ faithfully all the days of our lives.

For my first example, I've chosen an article published in the Voice of the Martyrs newsletter. The letter is about Sesuna, a young woman from the African nation of Eritrea.

Take the time to read the article posted below and reflect on your commitment to Christ when the pressure is turned up and standing with Christ will cost you.

Have you ever faced a similar choice between silence or persecution?

If so, How did you respond? If not, why not?

The article may be found here

Grace & Peace,


Matthew Deneault Pastor at Christ Community Fellowship

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