Dear Brothers and Sisters,
The Kingdom of God is advancing daily through the lives and work of ordinary people like you and I who serve an extraordinary God.
In the book of Hebrews, after naming many of the Old Testament Saints, we read the following description (Hebrews 11:33-40) of those
"who through faith conquered kingdoms, enforced justice, obtained promises, stopped the mouths of lions, quenched the power of fire, escaped the edge of the sword, were made strong out of weakness, became mighty in war, put foreign armies to flight. Women received back their dead by resurrection. Some were tortured, refusing to accept release, so that they might rise again to a better life. Others suffered mocking and flogging, and even chains and imprisonment. They were stoned, they were sawn in two, they were killed with the sword. They went about in skins of sheep and goats, destitute, afflicted, mistreated— of whom the world was not worthy—wandering about in deserts and mountains, and in dens and caves of the earth. And all these, though commended through their faith, did not receive what was promised, since God had provided something better for us, that apart from us they should not be made perfect."
Christian, you are a member of a long lineage of people (named and unnamed) who have walked by faith, advancing the Kingdom of God. Some of them saw great victories during their lifetime, others lost their very lives, but each of them was commended by the Lord Himself for their faith. Since the writing of Hebrews, many more have gone before us and joined the number of those whose faith was in the Lord.
You may not conquer a Kingdom or be stoned to death in your lifetime, but you can trust the Lord where He has you and seek to honor Him in every sphere of your life. You will face trials that test your faith and you can overcome by the blood of Christ.
A cloud of witnesses have gone before, the ball's in your court now, it's time for you to run to the finish line, looking to Jesus, he's the author and perfector of our faith (Hebrews 12:1-4).
Grace & Peace,
-- Matthew Deneault Pastor at Christ Community Fellowship "Making Christ known in our Community"